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DL-21 Hoth Rebel Blaster Pistol


DL-21 Hoth Rebel Blaster Pisol, this blaster is used in all three of the original Star Wars movies. In ANH its Ponda’s blaster. In ESB its used by the Rebels on Hoth and Also is carried by Dengar. In ROTJ its used by Lt. Renz “you rebel scum” on Endor. This blaster also shows up in the Clone Wars series and video games. Each movie the blaster has a different configuration, this is the ESB version. The blaster is pressure cast in black urethane resin. Assembled from 14 individual parts. The main body is a Henry Survival rifle, the scope is a single point scope, the barrel fins are British WWII 2 inch motor fins, the grip is from a Sterling SMG, most greeeblies are from the Revel invisible engine model and all other greeblies where reproduced using screen captures and photos. All parts are one off cast of the original masters. If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I am happy to answer any and all questions.


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